Fees and Deadlines
The conference fee will be collected to cover the cost of the event including conference materials, coffee breaks, three lunches during the conference, welcome reception and a sightseeing tour.
The conference fees are:
regular - before May 15, 2024: 900 PLN (appr. 200 EURO)
late - after May 15, 2024: 1125 PLN (appr. 250 EURO).
We offer a reduced conference fee for student participants.
regular - before May 15, 2024: 600 PLN (appr. 135 EURO)
late - after May 15, 2024: 750 PLN (appr. 170 EURO).
The Fees should be paid with the bank transfer at the account number below:
Account in PLN:
Account owner: Instytut Matematyki, Politechnika Łódzka
Account Nr: 23 1240 3028 1111 0010 3742 1516
VAT ID: PL7270021895
Description: DSA 2024 + first and last name of the participant, email
Account in EURO:
Account owner: Instytut Matematyki, Politechnika Łódzka
Account Nr: PL 56 1240 3028 1978 0000 2822 2358
VAT ID: PL7270021895
Bank name and address: Bank Pekao S.A. II O. w Łodzi ul. Piotrkowska 270, 90-950 Łódź, Poland, SWIFT: PKOPPLPW
Description: DSA 2024 + first and last name of the participan
Account in USD:
Account owner: Instytut Matematyki, Politechnika Łódzka
Account Nr: PL 91 1240 3028 1787 0000 2822 2257
VAT ID: PL7270021895
Bank name and address: Bank Pekao S.A. II O. w Łodzi ul. Piotrkowska 270, 90-950 Łódź, Poland, SWIFT: PKOPPLPW
Description: DSA 2024 + first and last name of the participan
COMMENT FOR POLISH PARTICIPANTS: Po wpłacie będzie wystawiona faktura elektroniczna i wysłana na wskazany przez uczestnika adres mailowy. Prosimy, aby wpłacający określili nabywcę faktury, łącznie z podaniem NIP, inaczej będą to dane z przelewu bankowego.
COMMENT FOR FOREIGN PARTICIPANTS: if your payment is in Euro check exchange rate before making bank transfer.